Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with thrilling scenes. We follow the protagonist’s journey from the snowy mountaintops to the swampy outskirts of Saint Denis. In between, Arthur does a lot of train chasing, bank robbing, and head shooting. However, there is an aspect of the game that is much underrated. The character dialog is practically filled with sarcasm, irony, and satire.
They frequently take punches at each other, jabs filled with tasteful insults and sometimes mockery. They’re so naturally placed into the setting that you might as well call the scenes situational comedy. But unlike sitcoms, the dialog doesn’t need any laugh tracks to make it hilarious. Arthur could make a boatload of money as a standup comedian by dissing his gang members.
“You, Sir, Are A Fish.”
Arthur Goes Fishing
When he’s not roasting his gang members till they’re charred, Arthur amuses us with his witty utterances directed toward NPCs or animals. His calm demeanor when bonding with his horses and lines such as, “calm down boah” are fan favorites.
But none of that matches the appeal that he got when talking to a fish he caught. Interestingly, this dialog does not appear during the main story cutscenes. If you’re fishing in a pond/stream, Arthur will reel in a fish and sometimes casually say, “You, sir, are a fish!” – as if talking to a person. You’ve got to admit that that’s pretty hilarious.
“Does This Trolley Go To Tahiti?”
Arthur Takes A Jab At Dutch’s plans.
One of the most entertaining parts of the game is the constant banter between Arthur and his fellow gang members. Everyone in the game is a victim of Arthur’s snarky comments, which include the charismatic leader Dutch Van Der Linde and his plans. Dutch’s habit of not delivering any of his promises is a constant source of sarcasm for Arthur.
When they exit the train station after a failed heist, they manage to get on a trolley. Arthur asks Dutch in his characteristic tone, “Does this trolley go to Tahiti?” The timing of this comment is the pinnacle of comedy and a testament to Arthur’s wits.
“Oh, And A Quarter, Don’t Forget The Quarter”
Some More Sarcasm For Dutch
Towards the end of the game, everyone is pretty much done with Dutch and his failing plans to go to Tahiti. “We need more money”, he’d say, and then plan a good-for-nothing heist from which they barely survive. He’s met with resistance, mostly from Arthur and John, whom he already doubts of betrayal. However, his suspicions are unfounded because he’s under the spell of the infamous two-faced Micah.
After one such heist proves to be a dud, Arthur chimes in with his characteristic sarcasm while counting the money, “And we each got… fifteen dollars… oh, and a quarter, don’t forget the quarter.” As if $15 isn’t enough to get to Tahiti, right Dutch?
“You’re My Favorite Parasite.”
Arthur Makes Fun Of Uncle.
Even the poor old Uncle isn’t spared from Arthur’s constant roasting. Granted, Uncle is a lazy bum who spends his whole day complaining about his ailments to get out of work, so he deserves an earful or two. But what Arthur says to him in this scene is just downright disrespectful. Regardless, sometimes comedy comes at the expense of others, and Uncle pays a heavy price.
While walking towards a shop in town, Uncle decides to take a shot at Arthur, “You’re a sad man, Arthur Morgan… But I know you love me.” Arthur delivers a comeback, “Desperately… You’re my favorite parasite… I lied… Ringworm, then rats with the plague, then you.” Ouch! That’s gotta sting.
The Chronicles Of Arthur And Lenny
The most hilarious mission of the game is when Arthur takes Lenny to the bar at Valentine. They get absolutely shit-faced after drinking and proceed to dance around at the bar and engage in fistfights with the people. The whole scene is straight out of The Hangover trilogy and evokes so much laughter it makes our bellies hurt.
However, Arthur loses sight of Lenny, so he looks around the bar while shouting at the top of his lungs in his husky and drunk voice, “LENNEH” – like an uncle who just lost the nephew he was supposed to babysit. He looks everywhere in the bar, even mistaking a prostitute for him. It can’t get funnier than that, or can it?
“I’m An American!”
Drunk Police Chase
Right after the drunken shenanigans at the bar, Lenny and Arthur are chased down by police officers. Lenny gets caught because he can’t run very fast, what a lightweight. Arthur manages to run a little farther, but at every corner, he is met with another officer.
The chase had us wheezing from Arthur falling down, struggling to get up, and shouting, “I’m an American.” Much to his chagrin, he blacks out and wakes up locked in a jail. They both pay off their bounties and bid farewell at the station door. Afterward, Arthur sits grumbling on the steps because of the hangover. This scene is reminiscent of Arthur’s lighter, more humorous side, in stark contrast to his more gritty and aggressive temperament.
Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Based On A True Story?
The characters are not based on actual persons, but their stories are placed in historically accurate settings. The beginning of the 20th century saw the decline of the Wild West as the government pushed back on bands of outlaws such as the Van Der Linde gang. The game’s environment also incorporates elements of that period to make the player experience authentic.
How Long Does It Take To Get To 100%?
It will take you approximately 50 hours at a normal pace to finish the main objectives of the game. However, Red Dead Redemption 2 is swarming with exciting side missions littered throughout the map. These missions have their own storylines involving interesting characters. In addition, there is a long list of activities and things to collect. If you’re willing to complete all aspects of the game, it will take you around 188 hours.
Is Arthur Morgan Mentioned In Red Dead Redemption 1?
The straight and honest answer is: No. Arthur Morgan is not mentioned in RDR1 because he did not exist while making that game. Spoiler Alert: To explain his absence, Rockstar made sure he dies in the prologue. However, that hasn’t stopped fans from speculating by reading between the lines. But until Rockstar confirms this, we can rest assured the simplest explanation holds.
Is Blackwater Based On A Real Location?
Yes, it appears to be the case. Blackwater is an important location in the story of Red Dead Redemption 2, as it symbolizes the Van Der Linde gang’s eventual downfall. The town is based on Blackwater, Missouri because it has an identical layout and recreates its railroad and telegraph station.
How To Remove Bounty In RDR2?
You can visit any post office, regardless of the location, to pay off any bounty on your head. For example, if you have a bounty in Saint Denis, you go to the nearest post office, say in Strawberry, talk to the officer, and pay your dues to get the law off your back.