The story of Vinland Saga invokes a whirlpool of emotions. Like any story of redemption, this one starts with a gruesome past filled with bloodshed. We follow the life of Thorfinn, son of Thors, as he strives to change his ways and become the man his father was when he died. But his life is embedded deeply into a world of conquest and political ties, which become the thorns in his path toward salvation.
From a very young age, Thorfinn faces formidable opponents such as Askeladd and Thorkell, the former being the reason for his father’s death. However, Thorfinn isn’t the only focus of the story, and we meet other warriors equally capable of wielding a blade throughout the series. With such powerful characters putting forward clashing agendas, coexistence isn’t possible, and the inevitable friction leads to a gritty and bone-chilling battlefield. In other words, the fights in Vinland Saga are some of the best in anime history.
Thorfinn Vs. Askeladd: Duel 4
Askeladd Reveals His Gritty Past
This duel is the last one between Thorfinn and Askeladd, which ends badly for the former. After breaking his arm from the fight with Thorkell, Thorfinn challenges Askeladd, ignoring his injuries.
Askeladd throws his sword in the snow and instigates Thorfinn to attack. Without thinking, Thorfinn charges head-on and is quickly grabbed by Askeladd, who beats him to a pulp and humiliates him afterward for being an idiot. Behind Askeladd’s tough exterior, however, is a mentor trying to teach his disciple to fight with his head. This lesson is apparent as he starts telling the story of when he killed his father, and how he will teach Thorfinn to kill someone he hates.
Askeladd Vs. The Danish Empire
In The Name Of Artorius
In the beginning, Askeladd portrays himself as a shrewd mercenary who doesn’t value honor or anything other than himself. Little did we know that it was all an act, and the curtains fell when he decided to give his life for Canute.
Askeladd pretends to go mad by proclaiming himself the true leader of the Danish people in front of King Sweyn before cutting his head off. Canute picks up on this plot and orders the men to attack him, but Askeladd slashes them in half effortlessly. Finally, Canute strikes him down, showing the kingdom that he avenged his father and is now the rightful king of Denmark.
Thorfinn Vs. Askeladd: Duel 3
The Prodigal Son Almost Wins
Young Thorfinn’s only motivation is vengeance. He resents Askeladd for killing his father, and he wants to avenge his death with a duel. The first two duels result in a swift victory for Askeladd, as Thorfinn is too young.
When Thorfinn gains some experience on the battlefield, he feels he is finally ready to take on Askeladd. This is when he is a teenager and has learned to use daggers effectively. The duel goes on with Thorfinn managing to hold his own. The tide shifts and Thorfinn loses when he falls for Askeladd’s taunts.
Thors Vs. The Pirates
Like Bringing Fists To A Sword Fight
In no other place in the series do we see the words “a true warrior needs no sword” exemplified so beautifully. Askeladd ambushes Thors and his crew in a narrow passage through the mountains. Instead of reaching for his weapon, Thors takes on the pirates with his bare hands.
He injures most of Askellad’s men but spares their lives, swiftly dealing with each in a single blow. This commotion was enough to show Askeladd that Thors is not to be treated lightly.
Thors Vs. The Nation Army
A True Warrior Is Born
This scene is the first time we see Thors, the troll of Jom, on screen. He is fighting alongside Thorkell, both relatively young. But Thors appears detached, almost absorbed in a thought. Nonetheless, he fights valiantly, jumping from ship to ship, singlehandedly killing dozens, if not hundreds, of soldiers.
At the end of the scene, Thors again appears zoned out and doesn’t flinch when an arrow shoots into his shoulder. He is dragged into the water by another soldier, whom he kills instantly, and swims away from the battlefield, leaving others believing that he died.
Thorfinn Vs. Thorkell: Round 1
Family Reunions
This fight wasn’t exactly the family reunion Thorfinn expected, and he didn’t know that his great-uncle Thorkell was the man who would almost kill him. The battle begins as Thorfinn jumps onto the bridge, successfully dodging the log Thorkell swings at him.
Thorfinn’s opponent was the biggest and most brutal warrior in the kingdom, but he managed to slice his wrist and shove his dagger in his hand. Little did he know that Thorkell would grab him by the arm and swing him into the walls, almost breaking him in half. In the end, Thorkell allows him to escape, only with the promise that they will continue this fight later.
Thors Vs. Askeladd
The Troll Of Jom Fights The Jester
Thors embodies the character of a strong but silent warrior, unlike the chatty and conniving Askeladd. The two face each other head-on in a duel, and Askeladd swears that Thors and his men will be left alone if he loses.
Askeladd tried his best to trick his opponent, but he was no match for the Troll of Jom. Eventually, Thors won fair and square, but Askeladd broke his oath: he ordered his men to shoot arrows at Thors, giving him multiple fatal injuries. The fight ended with Thors comforting his son and asking Askeladd to keep a part of his oath by sparing the others.
Thorfinn Vs. Thorkell: Round 2
Thorfinn Learns His Father’s Past
Thorfinn rushes to the battlefield on a horse, charging at Thorkell and screaming, “Keep your hands off Askeladd. He’s mine!” Thorkell is happy to see Thorfinn and challenges him to a duel, which decides Askeladd’s fate.
Of course, the son of Thors gives Thorkell a run for his money – swiftly cutting through his flesh with daggers and dodging his axe swings. Unfortunately, Thorfinn broke his arm from falling after being catapulted 100 meters into the air by Thorkell. And if it weren’t for Askeladd’s nifty tricks and Prince Canute’s intervention, things would have turned out differently.
Thorfinn Vs. Snake
Thorfinn Fights To Protect
Thorfinn is now a slave on Ketil’s farm. During this time, he forges a close friendship with Arnheid, the farm owner’s slave-turned-handmaid. The point of contention arises when her husband comes to take her back, and Snake (who guards the farm) attempts to kill him. This forces Thorfinn to take a stance and fight him – something he swore never to do again.
Thorfinn’s decision leads to a bone-breaking and skin-slicing fury of fists and cuts, leaving both fighters bedazzled with each other. It’s a thrilling scene due to their speed and strength, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats wondering who will be victorious.
Is Thorfinn’s Story True?
The character of Thorfinn is loosely based on a historical character with the same name. The creator of the manga was inspired by him while reading a book. Thorfinn Karlsefni (the historical figure) was an Icelandic explorer who followed the routes of Leif Erickson to Vinland (modern-day coastal America). Much isn’t known about the real Thorfinn, allowing the manga writer to have as much creative freedom as he wanted.
Is Season 3 Of Vinland Saga Confirmed?
While there has not been any official confirmation of the third season’s release date, we cannot conclude that the show has been canceled. Long periods are expected, as the time between the release of the first and second seasons was 4 years.
Who Is The Strongest Character In Vinland Saga?
The strongest character in Vinland Saga is none other than the Troll of Jom, Thors, himself. At the end of his fighting career, Thors proclaims that he found what it means to be a ‘true’ warrior. Throughout the series, we see flashbacks of Thors fighting, even beating the mighty Thorkell in a single blow.