So, after many hours of lawlessness while roaming the magnificent world of Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ve decided to turn yourself in or help a stranger in need? Well, as long as you don’t eat babies, John Marston has no beef with you. But before we get into how you can raise the honor level, let’s revise how the system works in RDR2 for the newcomers in the back.
You can raise your honor level by doing good deeds. For example, doing chores around camp, donating money, sparing someone’s life, and, most importantly, releasing the fish you just caught are some ways you can boost your levels. Of course, the gigantic landscapes and sprawling cities of RDR2 offer many other opportunities as well. But why go through the trouble? The short answer is that the honor system in RDR2 affects your gameplay experience: You’ll get massive discounts and exclusive items at shops, and the mission dialog will be slightly different. Massive Spoiler Warning: It doesn’t change the story as much as it changes the end, and a high-honor ending is arguably canon.
Donate Money To The Camp
Buy Your Way Out Of Hell
Since the Blackwater incident, the gang has been running short on funds because they left their savings behind to escape the law. Dutch, being the leader, wants everyone to pull their weight, and the members do what they can to scrape by. However, they all depend highly on Arthur because of his marksmanship and aggressive style of confrontation.
So, donating money to the camp is one of the efficient ways to earn honor. To get the most bang for your buck, donate just a teensy bit more than twenty dollars(each time), say $20.01. Close the ledger and repeat the process until you get your desired points.
Catch And Release
The Activist
So you don’t have any money to donate to the ledger but still want the high honor ending? Don’t worry! The catch-and-release tactic is here to the rescue. It’s simple: go to the nearest pond/river containing fish and start reeling. Once caught, release the fish back into the water, and you will get a slight bump in your honor. The only drawback to this method is that it is tedious because it takes dozens, if not hundreds, of fish to maximize your level.
Help Strangers In Need
The Good Samaritan
To say that the map of the Red Dead Redemption 2 is gigantic is an understatement. Lush valleys, old mining towns, bustling cities, and swampy badlands are just a few of the explorable landscapes. On top of that, Rockstar has done a remarkable job of making the world feel alive and authentic. There are thousands of organic interactions that you can have with the NPCs, and a few of them need your help.
Sprinkled generously throughout the RDR2 world are NPCs that will require your assistance. These may be stranded fellows who need to the nearest town, or those bleeding to death because a bear attacked them. In any case, helping these strangers will give you positive honor points, but don’t accept any rewards if you want to keep them.
Greet Strangers
“Howdy Partner!”
Keeping a smile and exchanging a good hello with strangers is a surefire way to make their day – and give you some honor points. The best way to farm points is to head to Saint Denis and greet anyone in the market. This works best in areas that are densely populated. Be sure not to hit the “antagonize” button accidentally, or it will undo any points earned.
Doing Camp Chores
The Working Man
Maintaining a camp of 23 members is a hard job, and Mrs. Grimshaw is always in need of labor. You can help around by doing some of the chores and it’ll boost your honor. When at camp, there will be little black dots on the map and when you’re near them you’ll be prompted to interact with them. You can move around hay bales for horses, drop off a bucket of water at the provision wagon, and top of the wash barrel. You get the most fun from splitting firewood just outside Strauss’s wagon. In addition to honor points, these chores will refill your dead eye gauge.
Return Bounties Alive
Be A Hero
If you feel like a cowboy and want to utilize your marksmanship to earn good cash and do good for society, there’s nothing like bounty hunting. The thrill of chasing a bounty on a horse and lassoing them up to bring them sweet justice is otherworldly.
You can bring a bounty to the Sheriff and earn your reward, which is higher when the catch is alive. In addition to some hard-earned cash, you also get a fair bit of honor if you deliver outlaws live and breathing.
Can You Play Red Dead Redemption 2 After Finishing The Main Story?
Of course, you can. Finishing the main story does not stop you from exploring the world. Many activities are still available for you to complete and earn rewards from.
What Is The Best Horse In Red Dead Redemption 2?
The best is the Arabian horse because it outmatches any other breed in terms of stamina and speed. They come in various coats such as black, rose green bay, and white. The former two can be bought, but the white one can only be discovered and tamed on the northwestern side of Lake Isabella.
Who Is The Strange Man In RDR2?
The Strange Man is a character that appears in both RDR1 and RDR2. However, his exact identity is unknown, and many fans believe he is a symbolic representation of the idea of death or fate. Spoiler ahead: In RDR2, we see the Strange Man help Arthur get up after he fell unconscious due to undiagnosed tuberculosis.
How To Make Fast Cash In Red Dead Redemption 2?
The fastest way to make cash is to be risky. This can involve robbing trains, hunting legendary animals, treasure looting, and even bounty hunting. Ensure that you return bounties alive, otherwise it will lower your honor score.
Is It Worth Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 in 2025?
Yes, absolutely! The game continues to enjoy its popularity in 2025, as new fans are constantly pouring in. This is because it offers a refreshing take on the themes of redemption and an authentic experience of the Wild West.