The story of Red Dead Redemption 2 starts with the Van Der Linde Gang escaping the law through snowy mountain ranges. They have nothing but trinkets to their name because they left all their savings back at the Blackwater, where the infamous massacre took place. On the run from the law, they seek quick refuge and set up camps in different states throughout America, jumping ships when they’re detected. But the days of the outlaws ruling the Wild West are over, and the gang needs to make quick money to escape the country.
As the camp leader’s right-hand man, Arthur Morgan’s job is to seek sources of income and aid the gang’s escape. Thankfully, our gritty protagonist is just the right man for it. His aggressive style of confrontation and sharpshooting skills might just be what the gang needs to survive.
Looting Dead Bodies
Better Than Grave Robbing
The pastor might disapprove, but a starving man’s gotta get by. At the start of the game, when the player doesn’t have much money, it makes sense to loot a few bodies for some cash and other valuables.
Abandoned Homesteads
Finders Keepers
Not where you expect to find treasure, but you’d be surprised how often abandoned houses have thick wads of cash, jewelry, and collectible cigarette cards. Whenever you come across a decimated structure that looks like it’s been decades since someone has set foot in it, step inside and look in the following locations: chimney, under the bed, chests, and drawers. Most of the loot is of very little value, but sometimes you are lucky enough to find a golden pocket watch.
Hunting Animals For Pelts And Fishing
Like Shooting Fish In A Barrel
The animal compendium provides a comprehensive list of creatures whose hides are valuable in the market. You can also use the pelts to craft usable items such as high-quality saddles and coats. Additionally, you can go fishing and sell the catch at the general store or butchers for some quick cash.
Is That An Ace Up Your Sleeve?
Some say gambling is for fools, while others believe their good luck is too great to ignore. In any case, RDR2 has plenty of opportunities for the avid gambler. Playable games include Poker, Blackjack, and Five Finger Fillet. Unfortunately, the rewards are pretty low.
Bounty Hunting
Long Arm Of The Law
Bounty hunting is one of the exciting ways to earn money in the game. This job is perfect if you want to earn cash by bringing outlaws to justice. Inside the Sheriff’s office in towns and settlements are wanted posters. Reading the poster will activate the hunt, and a marker will appear on the map indicating the bounty’s location. In addition to getting higher pay, bringing the outlaw alive will also raise honor.
Lassoing outlaws can pay anywhere from $20 to $100 per bounty. The actual amount depends on several factors. Of course, the difficult ones pay better.
Robbing Banks and Trains
Case The Joint
Nothing says cowboy like chasing trains on your horse and blowing up bank safes with dynamite. Not to mention, it pays well to be a bandit, chasing the thrill of being chased and shooting till your fingers can no longer pull the trigger. Big money is either locked up safely behind galvanized gates or in the pockets of snobs sitting in the business class carriages of trains. It’s up to you to decide who you feel like robbing.
To rob a train, wait at a station for one to arrive and get inside. or chase one with your horse and hop onto one when close. When inside, you can start threatening people with your gun until they give up their valuables. Jump back onto the horse when done. To rob a bank is a bit different. Once inside a bank, threaten a teller to open the vault and either crack the safe code or blow it up with dynamite to get the cash outside. Either way, wear a mask while robbing so your honor does not dip heavily. Oh, and be ready for a gunfight and police chase afterward.
Play Story Missions
“I Have A Plan Arthur”
It is by far the easiest and most fun way to make money. You won’t make much at the start, but the rewards will increase the further along you are in the story. You see how the plot unfolds by playing story missions as the Van Der Linde gang cooks up plans to earn cash. You see their failures, triumphs, and, most importantly, the rolls of cash at stake.
Loot Treasure
Finders Keepers Part 2
Locating and looting treasure is one of the most rewarding activities in the game. You can find treasure using maps placed at different locations or owned by strangers. If you see something that looks like paper in some abandoned house in the mountains, be sure to pick it up. It might be a map that allows you access to unknown riches.
Situated throughout the game are 11 treasure chests in total. Not all of them will give you gold bars, as sometimes you find jewelry, cash, and unique items such as weapons and clothing that aren’t anywhere else.
What Are Some Beginner Tips For RDR2?
If you’re just getting started in RDR2, the best advice is to take things slow. The game rewards exploration and attention to detail. Keep an eye on Arthur’s health, stamina, and Dead Eye cores—eating, resting, and dressing for the weather will keep you in top shape. Bonding with your horse is crucial too; the higher your bond, the better it handles and responds in tough situations. Also, looting enemies, houses, and abandoned camps is a great way to stock up on money, ammo, and supplies early on.
What Is The Fastest Way To Make Money In Red Dead Redemption 2?
If you’re looking to make money quickly, focus on treasure maps—gold bars can be sold for $500 each. Robbing stagecoaches and trains is another high-risk, high-reward strategy, but make sure to wear a mask to avoid bounties. Hunting legendary animals and selling perfect pelts to trappers can also bring in steady cash. If you want to stay on the right side of the law, bounty hunting and completing side missions often lead to decent payouts.
How do you upgrade Dead Eye in RDR2?
Dead Eye allows you to slow down time and mark enemies for precise shots, but it needs to be upgraded to reach its full potential. Completing story missions naturally levels it up, but activities like hunting, crafting, and drinking certain tonics also help. Eating foods with tobacco, such as chewing tobacco or certain tonics, will restore Dead Eye in the heat of battle. As you progress, Dead Eye unlocks new abilities, including highlighting enemy weak points and auto-marking targets.
How Do You Get Rid Of A Bounty In Red Dead Redemption 2?
Bounties can be a real headache if you commit crimes too openly. The simplest way to clear a bounty is by paying it off at a post office. If you’d rather not spend money, laying low in remote areas or disguising yourself with different outfits can help avoid detection. Wearing a mask before committing crimes prevents NPCs from identifying you, and if bounty hunters come after you, taking them out before they report back can stop the problem from escalating.
Are There Any Easter Eggs In RDR2?
Yes! Red Dead Redemption 2 is packed with hidden secrets and Easter eggs. One of the creepiest is the vampire in Saint Denis, which can be found if you decipher a series of strange writings in the city. There’s also a UFO sighting in New Hanover if you visit the right location at night. Players have discovered mutant experiments, hidden caves, and even references to the first Red Dead Redemption. Exploring thoroughly and reading notes or environmental clues will lead you to some of the game’s best-kept mysteries.
Are There Any Easter Eggs In RDR2?
Yes! Red Dead Redemption 2 is packed with hidden secrets and Easter eggs. One of the creepiest is the vampire in Saint Denis, which can be found if you decipher a series of strange writings in the city. There’s also a UFO sighting in New Hanover if you visit the right location at night. Players have discovered mutant experiments, hidden caves, and even references to the first Red Dead Redemption. Exploring thoroughly and reading notes or environmental clues will lead you to some of the game’s best-kept mysteries.